Tuesday, May 25, 2004

boss convo after office hours. the one asking the questions is always me.

>>>>>>>do u take the smoke in?
>>>>>>how else does one smoke?
>>>>>arvind was saying u can either keep the smoke in the mouth cavity or take it in the lungs..supposedly thats where the fun is
>>>>yup... in the lungs. no fun i assure you. i do it out of hab it now. i m kicking it soon
>>>you shud be a role model to the "kids" here at hurix... and you urself are smoking:-)
>>i m no role model. i dont want to be one. i just am a normal guy. Having said that, i have only two nasty vices - smoking and cars.
>i always thought a man's number 1 vice would be women...
>why cars?

ooh that way...
i have dated few women and have been loyal to all. cars because they are less temperamental and always a pleasure giver of freedom

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

cont.d from previous chat::
>>>ok ok.. but u r our PM too :-)
>>>also, as promised to Tanmay i WONT utter a word at the team meeting on friday unless spoken to... happy?;-)
>>heh heh. please ask. satisfy the curiosity. always
>That u dont need to tell me. i am born this way, remember??
>But would like to see for once what it feels like to be say Sonali/samir...:-)
heh heh.
chat with boss over Instant messenger:

>>>>>can i ask a q. ? but u have to answer real honestly..
>>>>heh heh. ok ask
>>>i asked tanmay this yest.
>>>now your turn:
>>>do i bug you with my questions?
>>:) i kinda figured that you would be asking this.
>>My rationale is this - if i can answer... then i m fine. it is also good to rationalize some answers internally. so in a nutshell... yes, u ask many questions... do i get bugged? no... but can you think of those answers? yes.
>my answer need not match yours or tanmays...hence better to confirm than get yelled at (as it used to happen with bhuvana).
>if i dont bug u, then *why* r u not on IP?
good question. ip is distracting. i have lots of tsaks to close before i start regular activities