Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Ten Reasons why i should be mad!

1)My mother's on leave for fifteen days. i hate it that i am not alone anymore. i cant put on loud music since she does not like anything too loud and i want it very loud. But the up side, is that she is baking biscuits and cakes almost daily. so thats nice.
2)I have been date-less for over two months! Good riddance to men...
3)Yesterday, a guy on AFF implied that i was a whore and wanted to have a "financial arrangement" with me. What, he couldnt just come out and say "i think you are a hooker and i want to bang you for money". Jerk! Sad thing... i really like British men:-( Good riddance to such men BEFORE having done anything with such men and then finding out their real intentions.
4) I dont feel like eating lunch at work.I throw away half of it almost for the past few days. I drink 5 to 6 cups of coffee. Good thing: Getting thin-thin-thin:-)
5) At work, yesterday, our clients sent back our project with blue-as-far-as-the -eye-can-see comments. I had created that stuff, then had gone through two rounds of senior review. i felt i was letting them down, since i was the creator. But, they are equally to blame too! Plus, the client keeps coming up with new guidelines and requests. what do you do? Just accept their decisions since they are paying our salaries... Today we are kicking off a new project. Hope that goes off smoothly. However, comapred to some of the other projects around, ours is still running smoothly...no major hickups.
6) Ricky Martin is gay:-((( ...i dont know...i should be mad at that, at God!
7) My first attempt at getting my articles posted here (the need for fashion) published by VOGUE recieved a setback. they replied back saying that they do not need it right now. Atleast they replied. Thx.
8) i am 23 years old...GETTING OLD!
9) One the one hand i really wanna get married; on the other hand i cant stand losing my independence, and more importantly, "obeying" my husband!
10) i have been getting up later than usual (what, with my mother around) and so have been missing the Simpson episodes. Which is a real bummer.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Man! I feel like a woman!
Man! I feel like a woman! Apparently, many men feel the same way too! Have you ever noticed that gays are having so much fun...and just for being gay. Where has heterosexuality lost its way??? Gay seems to be the way! Why, why , why are all the handsome men gay?? Why are all the jerks left for hetero-land??? First there was George Michael, and now Ricky Martin too! I just hope Enrique and Sting dont turn out that way! :-((

Friday, February 20, 2004

Should The Death Penalty Be Banned?
For any society to function and advance, there must be an able and functioning justice system. For many of these so-called civilized societies, the death penalty is the height of justice. The death penalty, also called Capital Punishment, is the judicially ordered execution of a prisoner for a serious crime. In other words, it is legally putting a condemned person to death. The death penalty was devised as a deterrent to the most gruesome of crimes. But, as societies evolve, questions arise as to the validity of the death penalty as a means of punishment. Should the death penalty be banned?
A Brief History: The death penalty as we now know it was first established in the 18th century B.C. under the reign of King Hammaurabi of Babylon. In 1608, Captain George Kendall became the first recorded person to be executed. In 1924, cyanide gas was introduced as a means of death penalty. 1982 marked the year for the first ever execution by lethal injection.
Characteristics of Death Row prisoners in the U.S.:In 1980, the ratio of Whites: Blacks was 60:40; In 2000, this ratio was 55:45. In 2000, majority of death penalty prisoners in 2000 are between the ages of 35 and 54--2019 out of 3593 prisoners, or 56%. This is in sharp contrast to 1980 where a majority of prisoners were between the ages of 25 to 34. In 2000, 0.3% of the total death row inmates were under the age of 20; 6.5% between the ages 20 to 24; 30% between the ages 25 to 34, 56% between 35 and 54, and 6% above the age of 55.
In 2000, 5% of the inmates had completed 7 years or more of formal schooling. The majority (33%) had completed 12 years of schooling. In 1980, only 22% had 12 years of schooling. Which also goes to show that despite being in school for so long, people have not been instilled with the basic social and moral values.
In 1980, 37% of inmates were never married, 32 % were married while serving their sentence, and 30% were divorced. In 2000, 48% were never married, only 20% were currently married, and 30% were divorced.
In 1980, the majority, 26%, were executed within one year of their sentencing, and only 3.92% had to wait for 6 years or more for their execution. In 2000, this trend was reversed. Only 5.78% were executed within one year of sentencing , while 58%--2092 inmates out of 3593--had to literally wait to die for six or more years.
There were only 49 women on death row in the US as on 1st October 2003--which constituted a mere 1.4 % of the death row population.
Methods of execution:All developed countries have forsaken primitive execution means like hanging in favor of more humane ways of killing a person(note the irony!). The lethal injection is the most popular choice with 38 out of the 50 US states prescribing the lethal injection. Electrocution is still a legally valid means of execution in eight states. Hanging is still valid in Delaware, New Hampshire, and Washington. The firing squad is an option if you live in Idaho, Oklahoma, and Utah. Anyone in Arizona, California, Missouri, and Wyoming want to opt for lethal gas????
Juveniles, Mentally retarded & the Death Penalty:There are 73 death row inmates (all male) sentenced as juveniles, i.e. under the age of 18 at the time of the crime. They constitute 2% of the total death row population. 23 inmates have been executed for crimes committed by them as juveniles. 36% of the US states allows 16 year olds to be prosecuted as an adult--thereby making the death penalty an option for sentencing. A May 2002 Gallup Poll found that a majority of Americans--69%--oppose execution of juveniles. Pro-lifers argue that a person under the age of 18 has not developed his/her full intellectual ability, hence they should be rehabilitated--not executed. The USA is one of only eight countries (Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen being others) that executes juveniles.
The Supreme Court of the US on 20th June, 2002, issued a landmark judgment ending the execution of mentally retarded inmates. The Court held that executing mentally retarded people violates the ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

The View From Abroad: Mary Robinson of U.N. Commission on Human Rights said "The increasing use of the death penalty in the U.S.A and in a number of other states is a matter of serious concern and runs counter to the international community's expressed desire for the abolition of the death penalty." The UN. Commission on Human Rights raised the following objections:
*Execution of juvenile offenders.
*Mentally retarded prisoners.
*Foreign nationals not informed of their rights under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.
*Racial and economic bias
*Length of time waiting to die.

The U.S. has become the most flagrant transgressor of the international ban on executing juveniles. Currently, 26 U.S. states allow mentally retarded people to be executed. The international trend towards the abolition of the death penalty and the U.S.'s refusal to abide by existing international law regarding capital cases puts the United States in an increasingly embarrassing position.
In March, 1999, Pope John Paul II made perhaps his last visit to the U.S. and was greeted by hundreds of thousands of followers. His message to the U.S. was unequivocal: "I renew the appeal I made most recently at Christmas for a consensus to end the death penalty, which is both cruel and unnecessary.
The European Union has banned all forms of execution among its member nations. In fact, it is one of the key criteria for any aspiring country wanting to join the E.U.. Europe also has a poor image of America due to this very issue. If the death penalty were banned, the world would have a better image of the U.S.
According to an Amnesty International Report released in 1999, the total number of executions world-wide have dramatically decreased, indicating the desire of teh global community to abolish the death penalty. The total number of world-wide executions in 1998 was 1625; while it was 2375, and 4272 in the two preceding years.

The Case for a Ban:The death penalty is a barbaric practice that has no relevance in today's time. It violates basic human rights. It violates the "Cruel and Unusual" clause in the Bill of Rights. There are innumerable cases of botched-up executions--horrific accounts ranging from the condemned vomiting to the person's body parts catching fire, to their eyes popping out of their sockets during an execution. All advanced nations have adopted the lethal injection as their primary means of execution. While the injection may be more "humane", it is by no means fool-proof. The mental agony that these prisoners go through in the days leading up to the execution is another silent form of torture. To say nothing of the mental anguish of the prisoner's family and friends who have to psyche themselves up to see a loved one being killed by the State.
The death penalty has created, or at least encouraged, the "eye for an eye" mentality among people. The victim's families believe it is their right to see the perpetrator being put to death. The death penalty was NOT designed as a means of retribution or vengeance; but rather as a deterrent. Only when people move away from this tit-for-tat mentality will civilizations advance. As far as deterrents go, life in prison--locked away in a 6 feet by 9 feet cell with no visitors or exercise-- is a much better form of deterrent.
Another argument made by pro-lifers is that if the Government says that killing another human being is wrong, then the Government should not kill another human being either. How can the Government expect its citizens not to kill, when they are killing people themselves (albeit in the guise of a "death penalty")!
Most people in favor of the death penalty say that they do not want to waste their tax dollars on keeping a murderer/rapist alive in jail....That killing him would be a cheaper alternative. However, that is simply not the case. The financial cost of capital punishment to tax payers is several times that of keeping an inmate alive in prison. In Texas, a single death penalty case costs an average of $2.3 Million. This is about three times the cost of imprisoning a person in a single cell at the highest security for 40 years. Enforcing the death penalty in Florida costs an average of $51 million more than what it would cost to punish all first-degree murders with life in prison without parole. With mandatory appeals and special requirements for capital cases, the cost of a death penalty case exponentially rises as compared to the cost of trial and life imprisonment. In addition, scarce legal resources could be freed up for more pressing issues.
Criminal proceedings for a death penalty case is fallible. There are many instances when death row inmates have been exonerated, sometimes minutes before their scheduled execution. Since 1973, over 100 people have been released from death row. Innocent inmates spend an average of 9 years incarcerated prior to being released. In 2003, 10 people in the U.S. have been exonerated. Can we as a fellow human being live with ourselves if we mistakenly put the wrong person to death? Some believe that juries are less likely to convict if it means putting a person to death. So, if the death penalty was abolished, the conviction rate for crimes like murder and rape would most certainly increase.
The death penalty has not fulfilled its role as a deterrent. Texas has the highest rate of executions; yet its murder rate is one of the highest in the country! Region-wise, southern USA has executed 740 people, while the murder rate in the South is 6.8 persons per 100000--the highest in the USA as compared to a national average of 5.6/ per 100000. This clearly shows the failure of the death penalty as a deterrent. In fact 84% of criminologists rejected the notion that the death penalty acts as a deterrent. A 1995 Hart Research Poll of police chiefs in the USA found that a majority do not believe the death penalty is an effective law enforcement tool. Only one percent actually wanted to expand the death penalty usage!
At least in the USA, there is an undeniable link between race and the death penalty usage. There is a (conscious or subconscious) bias against minorities. Poor people and minorities are more likely to be executed than Whites. 98 % of the Chief District Attorney's that prosecute death penalty cases are White; only 1 % are Black. A study in Philadelphia found that for similar crimes committed by similar defendants, Blacks received the death penalty at the 38 % higher rate than others. According to the NAACP, out of a total of 3504 persons executed in the US as on 1st October 2003, 45 % were White, 42 % were Black, 10% were Hispanics. So while it may appear that an equal number of Blacks and Whites were being executed; let us not forget that Blacks are a minority in the US. Blacks made up just 12 % of the US population in 2000, while Whites make up 75 % of the population, according to the US Census.
Not only does the race of the defendant matter in a death penalty case, but also the race of the victim is equally important. 81 % of all death penalty victims were white, only 14 % were Black, and a mere 4% were Hispanic. The number of white defendants executed for crimes against Whites is a mere 12; while 187 Blacks were executed for murdering a white person.

The Case Against:Proponents of the death penalty believe that the death penalty is a fitting and just punishment for the truly horrid crimes committed by the prisoner. They believe that the best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour....That if a person raped someone before, he is most likely to do it again. Hence, if the death row inmates were rehabilitated, they would likely commit a crime again. Hence, they believe the death penalty keeps ordinary citizens safe by permanently ensuring that convicted killers are never free to prey again. Proponents believe that banning the death penalty sends the signal to criminals that there is no crime in the country horrid enough, or gruesome enough to warrant the ultimate punishment of death. That it lowers the bar for every other punishment. When Chicago mayor commuted the death sentences of all the death row inmates in Chicago, there was a hue and cry regarding one case in particular....The gruesome murder of a pregnant woman, and not just that! The murderer ripped open the woman's uterus and pulled the baby out of her. Proponents believe that a crime like this definitely warrants a death sentence...That its not just the murder of a woman, but the nature of the crime that warrants a death penalty.
Then there is the issue of closure. The victim's families believe that unless they see the condemned being put to death, they wont get closure. However, countless victim's families who have eye-witnessed the execution of the condemned, say that it does not bring closure. Closure has to do with forgiveness, not vendetta.
Proponents also believe that the justice system favors the criminals over the victim. They argue that pro-lifers make a big deal about the rights of the condemned, while forgetting about the rights of the victim. According to them, a person who has committed a gruesome crime like murder has lost his chance to be treated with humanity. But these people are losing sight of one important fact--That no matter what punishment is meted out to the condemned, it will never bring back the victim.
They also argue that the alternative to death--a life sentence-- is too light a punishment. That it undermines the loss of a human life. They point out to studies that show a high percentage of murders being committed by prison parolees or escapees.
Basically their arguments boil down to this one statement made by a bereaved mother:My son was brutally killed. I have lost him forever. Why should the murderer have another chance to life?

Final Comments: Behind every act of anger , there is pain. Clearly, no one is denying or ridiculing the pain and suffering of the bereaved. And no one is asking for the criminals to be let out into society either. If the condemned are, in fact, guilty of a barbaric crime, they deserve to be locked up away from society. But the fact remains that the death penalty is equally barbaric. Therefore, the death penalty should be banned as a means of punishment.


Thursday, February 19, 2004

Is There A Need For Fashion?

Well, what is fashion? Is it any different from style?? Style is defined as a quality of imagination and individuality expressed in one's actions and tastes. It is a much more comprehensive term as compared to fashion. Fashion is defined as the prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior. The two terms are often used interchangeably.

Fashion has evolved through the ages; often reflecting the mood and characteristics of the society. For example: During The War, skirts were made body hugging so as to conserver much-needed cloth. After the War, skirts had a lot of flair and body to them, indicative of the coming days of plenty. However, it isn’t just society and current events that influence fashion. Fashion often influences society. Remember Yves Saint Laurent's revolutionary female suit...Today, no working woman's wardrobe is complete without a suit! He was the one who made it such a staple.

Is fashion art?? Why not! It is creation of a beautiful masterpiece. Fashion designers are the modern-day artists...who inspire women to dream, to look better, to FEEL better. Design houses like Christian Dior, Chanel, Gianni Versace, Valentino, Givenchy, YSL, Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, and Ralph Lauren do just that.

John Galliano at Dior is a master craftsman and a master marketer. He has revived an old haute couture house into one of the hippest and trendiest fashion houses ever. A Dior handbag is the ultimate in chic. A Dior fashion show is not just about fashion....its drama, clothes, beautiful models, and oodles of attitude. John Galliano's latest inspiration is Marlene Dietrich. Herself no stranger to high fashion. The D'Trick handbag by Dior , set to release in 2004, is just another example of the abundance of genius in Galliano.

The Gucci group under American Tom Ford is another major turn-around story of recent years. Tom Ford is a genius to be able to simultaneously manage the Gucci and YSL lines. The house of Versace, rocked by the brutal killing of Gianni Versace, is back on track and hip as ever under sister Donnatella. The house of Chanel, under the skillful eye of German Karl Lagerfeld has expanded globally. He has proven that even something as basic as tweed can be endlessly manipulated to create masterful suits and dresses. Coco Chanel must be pleased with the way Lagerfeld is living up to her legacy.

If Dior and Versace is for flashy(not to mention cash-rich) clients; Valentino is for their classy counterpart. That man is just not capable of creating something trashy or skanky. Jackie Kennedy made the Italian Valentino popular in the USA when she wore his outfits as the First Lady.

In American fashion, Ralph Lauren and Donna Karan are pioneers. Who can forget Calvin Klein! He introduced the concept of designer jeans. Not to mention the revolutionary advertisements! Remember Brooke Shields, with her "Nothing comes between me and my Calvins" or the waif-like Kate Moss in the CK ads???

There is ready-to-wear fashion...and then there is Haute Couture. Haute couture is the height of high fashion. Haute couture is the creation of exclusive fashions, often exquisitely handmade. People say that the days of haute couture are numbered, if not dead altogether. However, that just cannot be! One look at the Dior, or YSL shows will prove that haute couture is alive and kicking!

Fashion comes and fashion goes. Hemlines change from season to season. Fabric, design, buttons, sewing, embroidery, craftsmanship, knitting, draping, fitting sessions...so much is involved in making of a seemingly simple dress. However, the classics of fashion stay constant. Diamonds, fur, high heels, a pencil skirt, a white shirt, boot leg jeans....these are classics. Of course there is the moral dilemma regarding fur and crocodile pelts. After years of abandonment, fur finally is in fashion again. This may be a good thing or a bad thing for you, depending on your perspective. But that’s the great thing about fashion. It offers you choices. It never imposes upon people what they should wear.

Is there a NEED for fashion?? Strictly speaking, No. Fashion is not one of our primary needs. But then even the most mundane clothes you wear are "fashioned" by someone. Do you give up on clothes entirely?? What fashion gives us is confidence, elegance, style, class, and grace (if worn well, of course). Fashion, and the subsequent proliferation of fashion magazines like Vogue, Elle, and InStyle, give women more than mere clothes... they make us dream. And that’s more important than any hemline, fabric or design.

Musings of the Idle Mind
I have no work at work. i am sitting idle. havent had work for the past few days. Now, some might be delighted by that. Not me. i want to work. Its not like i need the money. i stay with my parents. I am working because i choose to. So, i have gone through the usual reference documents, and my favorite sites over and over. And then, finally bored, i decided to start blogging.
I am the exact opposite at home. i dont wnat to lift a finger at home. i hate cooking..no wonder i havent gone beyond cooking rice at home! Besides, why should i learn cooking??? I can easily afford to eat out. My parents tell me that i should learn so that "i can feed my husband"....CAN U BELIEVE THAT! That makes me even more NOTwant to learn any feminine skill. I want a guy that respects me to be my husband...not someone who treats me like a servant. No offence to stay at home mothers. House work is great...IF you choose to do so. Not when it is forced upon you.
Holy Cow~ I never imagined my name would be so popular! I just did a Google search and found so many matches. There's everything from Alternative Music bands, to ship wrecks, to makeup artist sites...WOW! Oh ya...and the Queen of Palymra. And the jerks here in india give me a hard time for having a "non-indian , hard" name.
Look at the following image: Good to know my name is doing good business! Or atleast sounds wacky enough for someone to start a business by my name.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Homer Simpson Musings

That guy just cracks me up. He is just the funniest guy around...no match for any other actor! His D'ohs, Mmms, are outer worldly. Whoever thought up that character deservers an Oscar!
I wonder WHO would do justice to his character if The Simpsons were made a real movie with real actors. In the cartoon series, Homer is over weight, a drunk, and a loser at his job. Wonder who???? Probably they should not try to make it a real movie. The cartoon character is just wonderful.

Thanks Homer (and Wiggum, Mayor Quimby) for making me laugh everyday:-))

Staying Abreast on Janet, and Much More...
I am not a Superbowl watcher. But i did watch the half time show for Justin T. Why the hell did he have to take the top off Janet Jackson??? Was there any need? Other than old-fashioned sensationalism! And what the hell was SHE thinking? In public...exposing her right breast! Wasn't that public exposure? And what was that nipple ornament she was wearing??? Why would she wear that unless she intended to expose her breasts. And how about the baloney they are feeding us now...that it was an "outfit malfunction"....PLEEZ! MTV most definitely planned this as a PR stunt.
Why are so many celebrities hell bent on showing off more skin? J.Lo started the whole thing with the "Grammy dress"...Britney tried to top that, Christina got "dirrtty".... Where will this end?? And let’s NOT even start with Pamela Anderson! Is it just me, or her breasts actually seem to grow! And the dresses she wears...Oh Lord! There really is a difference between being and looking sexy and looking skanky. We all know which category Pam falls into.
What about Baywatch? the lady rescuers are all decked out in tiny swimsuits...but David darling and his male counterparts are nicely dressed in shorts(which BTW, are knee length). Why can’t there be any equal distribution of nudity...if indeed there must be any? Why all the close ups of boobs bouncing up and down; or of great buns?
And is it just me...but they DO NOT represent the AVERAGE AMERICAN. Fashion models (whom i have nothing against) grow thinner and thinner; Americans grow larger and larger. How many "fat" people have appeared in a fashion show (probably the only exception is Donna Karan's shows)? How many Average Joes appear in soaps, or dramas? How many women with stretch marks do we get to see? How many women with HIPS (Thank God for Jennifer Lopez for REMINDING people that women ACTUALLY HAVE HIPS!) do we get to see? And who in America has big breasts?
I realize their POV...that if we got it, we should flaunt it. They have every right to. No one’s denying that. But celebrities should also realize the impact they have on the general public. Teenage girls, especially. The teen years are a disaster, even in the best of times. Add to that, the anxiety of looking like Gisele or Heidi! The dieting, the bingeing and purging, the trying-to-fit-a-size 12-into-a-size 2-dress, the cosmetic surgeries, the implants. British VOGUE this month proudly announced "High heels are back in fashion". I have my share of high heel shoes and let me tell you they are NOT fun to walk in. But they do make you look great. The article also talks about how Monolo Blahnik lovers are going to the extent of having surgery to reduce the length/ width of their feet...and in rare cases, becoming four-toed. Do we NEED that? We look at these seemingly perfect looking girls on TV and wonder, Gee, where do i fit in? Britney got her boob job at such a young age...at an age when breasts have not reached their full growth. Doesn't that set a bad precedent? Little did I know that these "perfect dolls" are not all that perfect. Blemishes and stretch marks are carefully AIRBRUSHED in magazines. Where are the role models?
Madonna is one strong role model...yes, in spite of all her antics and scandals. The Williams sisters are another. Oprah Winfrey is my personal role model. NO, i am not Black, i am an Indian (from India..not the Red Indians). Among the younger ones...Definitely NOT Britney (with her "Hit me baby one more time", and her "I'm a slave"). Christina is slightly better with her "I am beautiful" song... Mariah Carey totally lost IT since she got her boobs done. Jeez, its so hard thinking up female role models.
No one's asking for a total ban on nudity ( i enjoy it!) , or on fashion( i buy nothing but foreign fashion magazines each month). But , rather, there is a need to put all this "celebrity and style" thing into perspective. Sure, its fun and all. But don’t let it take over your life. Realize that there are other things in life besides worrying about your boob size or the length of your mini skirt (yes...they are BACK!). When i was 20 years old, i used to collect pictures of Gisele and watch her on the catwalk...and spend time imitating her. But then i realized i wasnt her...in a GOOD way. Try as i might, i WASN'T going to be 5 feet 10 inches tall...and i wasn’t going to be on a Vogue cover. SO WHAT? Who are they to dictate what is beauty? Beauty is what’s beneath the skin. I find immense satisfaction in the following saying:
Of course i still have my share of "Body blues" and i still agonize over what i eat, and what i wear. But reminding yourself that you infact are "Beautiful in every single way" is such a comfort.

Did you know:
There are 3 billion women who don't look like supermodels – and ONLY 3 WHO DO.

Marilyn Monroe wore a SIZE 12.

If Barbie were a real woman, she'd have to walk on all fours due to her proportions.

The average American woman weighs 144 lbs. and wears between a size 12 and 14.

If shop mannequins were real women, THEY'D BE TOO THIN TO MENSTRUATE.

One out of every 4 college aged women has an eating disorder.

The models in the magazines are airbrushed - THEY'RE NOT PERFECT!!

A psychological study in 1995 found that 3 minutes spent looking at models in a fashion magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed, guilty and shameful.

Models who twenty years ago weighed 8% less than the average woman, today weigh 23% less
Grand Thoughts
Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better.
- unknown

Don't ask for a light load, but rather ask for a strong back.
- unknown

It's easier to prepare and prevent, than to repair and repent.
- unknown

The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
- John F. Kennedy

How a man plays a game shows something of his character, how he loses shows all of it.
- unknown

Happiness is a state of activity.
- Aristotle

My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.
- Abraham Lincoln

You haven't failed until you quit trying.
- unknown

The measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune.
- Plutarch

Remember when you see a man at the top of a mountain, he didn't fall there.
- unknown

Stopping at third base adds no more runs than striking out.
- unknown

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.
- unknown

He who seeks rest finds boredom....He who seeks work finds rest.
- unknown

When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.
- unknown

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
- unknown

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.
- Henry J. Kaiser

He who flings mud, loses a lot of ground.
- unknown

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

In order to be walked on, you have to be lying down.
- Brian Weir

He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes, but he who never asks a question remains a fool forever.
- Tom J. Connelly

Hardening of the heart ages people faster than hardening of the arteries.
- unknown

When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so regretfully upon the closed door that we don't see the one that has opened for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell

Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as true strength.
- St. Francis De Sales

Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.
- unknown

The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
Allan K. Chalmers

Fall seven times, stand up eight. - Japanese proverb

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
- William Shakespeare

You can't expect people to look eye to eye with you if you are looking down on them.
- unknown

You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.
- unknown

A man never likes you so well as when he leaves your company liking himself.
- unknown (Dale Carnegie?)

People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
- unknown

The only job where you start at the top, is digging a hole.
- unknown

A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on.
- unknown

Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.
- unknown

We are like tea bags - we don't know our own strength until we're in hot water.
- Sister Busche

Anyone who thinks the sky is the limit, has limited imagination.
- unknown

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be overcome first.
- unknown

You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you've collected a lot of empty yesterdays.
- Professor Harrold Hill (The Music Man)

Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans.
- unknown

You may be on the right track, but if you just sit there you'll get run over.
- Paul H. Dunn

He who knows all the answers has not yet been asked all the questions.
- unknown

Better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.
- Chinese Proverb

Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny.
- David O. McKay

When a man finds no peace within himself, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.
- L. A. Rouchefolicauld

Are you fit company for the person you wish to become?
- unknown

If you don't learn from your mistakes, there's no sense making them.
- unknown

If you feel you have no faults ... there's another one.
- unknown

“Go out on a limb. That is where the fruit is.”
—Jimmy Carter, President

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
Mahatma Gandhi

Fear is not of the present, but only of past and future - which does not exist.
A Course in Miracles

The only place where success comes before work is a dictionary.
Vidal Sassoon

When you are afraid of something you are acknowledging it's power to hurt you.
A Course in Miracles

Nothing is accidental
There are no mistakes
You are doing what you are doing when you are doing it
There are no victims

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." --Benjamin Franklin

"He who angers you conquers you." --Kenny, Sister Elizabeth,

Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance ---Will Durant

If you never change your mind, why have one?--Edward De Bono

Please accept my resignation. I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.
Groucho Marx

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
The Cheating Culture--What Can be done about it?
Cheating can only spread through rampantly if people like you and me LET IT. If there are enough people doing the right thing and not giving in to temptation of cheating, and if we only teach that to our own children, the world would be better. That’s not to say we would eradicate cheating…that has existed through ages and always will(that’s just basic human nature). What we can do is not perpetuate it further.

What we could do is to shame the person who gets caught cheating, ban him from all public jobs. In Mumbai in India, the supervisor has the authority to throw the guy who copies or talks during an exam in any way. But then again, people will just look for ways to NOT get caught…it still wouldn’t eliminate cheating. So the only way forward is to instill certain values in kids, so that the next generation does not cheat (as much!).
Who is hotter ?

Who is hotter ? Tyra Banks or Gisele? or Hiedi? or the new girl on the SI Swimsuit cover? Personally , that girl looked HOT . BUt Gisele is just something else altogether. Plus, she's got THE rack. So, i am a woman...do we always have to bitch about other hot woman. I am hot enough to be secure about myself.
Among men, Joe Rogan of Fear Factor is so hot too...kind of like Enrique Iglesias look-alike after getting drunk enough:-)
Who else? Ofourse ENRIQUE and RICKY MARTIN, STING (God~ and with that Tantric sex thing!); David Beckham to a lesser extent. i wish he'd wear MY panties....mmmm
drooling over that thought...makes the office hours go by faster....plus with that boss of mine being seated so far from me and interacting so far and few between.
wonder what it would be like to be a lesbian! (this thought..in the middle of my office hours!)
Here's something i wrote yesterday about me. i could fil pages and pages, but i wanted to write something different and contrasting...

Hi. I am Zenobia Sethna. My name means "Father's Pride" in Greek/Arabic. I hope i live up to my grand name! I will try and explain myself to you. Try to keep up. And even more challenging…is to try and UNDERSTAND me.
I am 23 years old. I live in a Mumbai suburb called Kandivli.
I don’t believe in organized religion; but long desperately for some spirituality.
I put on an outward show of strength; though inside i am fragile and get hurt easily.
I like what i cant have; and don’t want what i can easily have.
I am thin; but i feel fat.
I beat myself thin when i eat anything fat.
I love (i mean L-O-V-E…) dogs; but don’t have any!
I love English men(white!) and dark chocolate…NEVER the other way round!
I rarely ever end the day on the same note i start it.
I want to learn new foreign languages; but haven’t started yet.
My wallpapers are often of little babies, but i am sure i do not want any!
If given a choice between money and love; I'd choose money…and then buy myself a lover of my choice.
I am very impatient. So impatient, infact ,that I can't even sit through a 3-hour movie!
Mundane tasks bore me; though i have not taken any grand risks either.
I don’t care what people think of me.
I am lazy like a pig; though on the job i am the fastest one around.
I don’t know how to cook, but i love watching cookery shows on TV.
My biggest demon is procrastination. I am a firm believer in pushing to tomorrow what doesn’t have to be done today.
My biggest strength is …yet to be discovered.
what do u do when you have a crush on your boss? AND he happens to be happily married??? he's not even my kinda guy, not handsome...but dammit power is such an aphrodisiac.... i keep running up to him for queries and doubts even though he is not supposed to be handling all this. He is sweet. Can he tell what i feel? is my job in danger?